A transformational deck of cards providing a daily prescription to focus on for overwhelmed parents of children who don’t fit the box i.e. ADHD/behavioural problems. A healing journey for the whole family. Saddle up for the Solution Safari!
There are 64 cards in total 2.75 x 4.75
Plus 1 colour code card for the 7 categories. Sweet You, Personal responsibility, Personal environment, Bodywise, Channeling raw energy, Shopping advice and Right communication.
Instructions & interpretation booklet (for each card). Shrink wrapped for protection.
Each card is graphically designed by the author with secret messages and symbols hidden amongst the layers.
The cards can be used in three ways
- 1. Looked at in order of the daily program
- 2. Used as a divination tool to tap into your intuition regarding what is required on any given day.
- 3. They are excellent for adults looking for a ‘life shift’ oracle.
When you first start off on your healing journey it will soon become obvious that there are now plenty of books available, experts to listen to and social media groups to join. You can find yourself coming up against several challenges.
The Challenges
Challenge 1. It can become overwhelming and if you’re anything like myself managing your day to day living with the testing behaviour of your child is exhausting in itself.
Challenge 2. Time is of the essence and maybe short of supply if you have several children, employment or business.
Challenge 3. You don’t know where to start and in what order to tackle your parenting problem. Have you tried all avenues?
The PD64 card deck makes it simple for you – If you choose to follow it one card a day we’ve got all bases covered, in fact 7 categories of them (as listed above)! You won’t have to spend hours wading through books or listening to podcasts for that snippet of information. The PD64 program is concise! Each day you can focus on the advice, apply and journal (what I recommend) and record your progress. You will feel elevated by the images, the positive coaching, solutions and outcomes.
Start your journey
Select a card from the mini version of the deck below
Bon Voyage. Enjoy your journey